Mini-Sims for critical care

"Mini-Simulation is the essence of simulation ...
          refined at every level to maximise learning efficiency”

The Mini-Simulation concept provides an opportunity to conduct simulation in the normal work environment, at minimal cost, on a regular basis.

This book provides all the guidance and materials required to create effective medical simulations with basic equipment.

The scenarios are designed to be created within a few minutes using low cost mannequins, simple additional equipment (that should be readily available in critical care units) and with the multimedia materials provided in the package – monitor screen shots, ventilator screen captures, photographs, lab reports, echo loops etc.

The scenarios are intended to be short and should easily be performed, reviewed and repeated by trainees within 5-10 minutes. This makes the scenarios practical to include at the end of a routine ward round, or as an ‘extra’ patient. The short format facilitates repetition that enables the refinement of good performance that is important for long term learning and recall.

The scenarios can be used to expose trainees to those clinical situations that are very serious but uncommon, situations which trainees may not routinely encounter during their Emergency, Intensive Care or Anaesthetic training.

$AU 50 +$15 P&P or $NZD 56 + $16.80P&P